Monday, December 24, 2007

Ecohousing Group - Terms of Reference

The activities mentioned below will be carried out in then next one yearperiod and feed into the Development Plan and the annual EnvironmentStatus Report

  1. The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) with support from UnitedStates Agency for International Development (USAID) and theInternational Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) is implementingthe Eco-housing program in the city to encourage energy efficient andsustainable construction practices in the housing sector. With referenceto the Eco-housing Assessment Criteria ( alreadydeveloped for Pune City, the PCEF Eco-housing theme group will come upwith specific recommendations for the Development Plan on how resourceefficient construction can be promoted at a city level.
  2. Based on the Eco-housing criteria, the group will alsoinclude recommendations for commercial (malls, multiplexes, offices, ITparks) and institutional (educational, government, hospital) buildings.In addition to looking at Eco-housing focus areas like site planning,water management, solid waste management, energy efficiency, renewableenergy the group will also include recommendations for related areaslike roads.
  3. Eco-housing training modules developed for consumers underthe ongoing Eco-housing program will be rolled out with the support oforganization like PBAP, NGO's and citizens groups as a means foreducation and to promote awareness about green design concepts
  4. In the long run the group will also develop Eco-housingguidelines for retrofit projects that can be used by existing housingsocieties.
  5. The recommendations for the Development Plan, meeting notes,reports and analysis will be available on the PMC, PCEF and Eco-housingwebsite. The Eco-housing recommendations will be discussed with PMCDepartments, the D P Committee and a larger stakeholder group involvingsubject experts, industry associations, NGO's and citizens. We invitecitizen participation and feedback to enhance interaction between theadministration and citizen groups.

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