Sunday, January 13, 2008

Notes on Meeting of 10 Jan 2008

Pune Citizens Environment Forum

1. Introductions
2. Introduction to PCEF and RCE and report of activities
3. Work Discussions (2 hours)
a. PCEF theme groups work status, related research and studies TBD
b. (BD, Schools, DC Rules, Ecohousing, Traffic/ cycling) = 1 hour
c. Framework of ESR/ Pune Sustainability Report = 1.5 hour
4. Governance for PCEF


Introduction to PCEF and RCE

Reference Documents

  • Note on PCEF
  • Note on RCE Pune

Discussion on PCEF and RCE work areas and possible merging

  1. Considering the overlapping scope of work of the PCEF and RCE, there was a suggestion that the two groups could be merged
  2. It was pointed out the focus of the RCE is ‘Education’ and so the school and public education groups of the PCEF could be part of the RCE; if however the focus of the RCE was ‘Sustainable Development’ then the PCEF could be the RCE
  3. Since each theme group also has needs of outreach, participation and education/ communication, the individual members may be part of the RCE, or the PCEF would work with RCE for those aspects
  4. There was a suggestion that the jurisdiction of the RCE should be the entire state of Maharashtra and the focus of work should be rural development as well.
  5. However others suggested that the jurisdiction has to be kept manageable and human-scale (meaning one should be able to leave home in the morning, participate in a meeting and be home the same evening, while not traveling by air)
  6. It was also suggested that the RCE jurisdiction should be the jurisdiction of the University of Pune i.e. the districts of Pune, Nasik and Ahmednagar.


  1. The School Education and Public Education groups of the PCEF could be part of the RCE
  2. PCEF and RCE members should have the flexibility to be part of both or ither groups
  3. The RCE and PCEF would complement each other’s work

DC Rules

Reference Document: Ppt by Anagha Paranjape

The view of the PCEF DC Rules group was that the Circular Resolutions have complicated the DC Rules, and it is difficult to understand them. They are not easily available, and the general public and even professionals find it difficult to understand and apply them since some Circulars are conflicting; some Circulars dilute the DC Rules in specific cases.

The Municipal Commissioner brought another point of view that the Circulars serve to clarify the Rules and add specificity according to the actual site of construction.


  1. PMC to make circulars available (A Pawaskar)
  2. The DC Rules group would take up the tasks of
    - codification of the circulars
    - inventorization
    - facilitate uploading on PMC website
    - analysis of the circulars to identify contradictory circulars and those that can be deleted
    - outlining the process for changing rules
    - articulating the spirit of the DC Rules in the form of Directive Principles
  3. The PCEF DC Rules group would become the DP sub-group on DC Rules. Additional members would be Vidyadhar Deshpande, Mr.Gohad, new staff in PMC DP Cell should be part of the DC Rules sub-group, Arvind Shinde, Bidkar, Ujwal Keskar. The group would be convened and coordinated by A Pawaskar

Eco Housing

Reference document: Ppt by Veena Dharmaraj, presented by Anagha


  1. The Eco-housing Norms should be applicable to commercial, institutional and other typologies of building not just ‘housing’
  2. The Science and Technology Park is facilitating an eco-housing centre and MC suggested that they be invited to join the PCEF

School Education

Reference document: Ppt by Mini Shrinivasan


  1. PMC to issue circular on allowing corroboration inspections
  2. The School group may help to evolve some mechanism for how to manage external assistance and ensure it is effective – temp teachers, DEd students, home learning opportunities etc
  3. School group to organize workshop / consultation with Principals and teachers for broad based support on indicators and benchmarks, more insights into how teachers can be more effective (perhaps reduce un-necessary admin tasks) etc
  4. Work towards a system of decentralized accountability through working with and facilitating PTAs/ Shala Sudhar Samitis
  5. Implementation of the above to be first piloted in 30 schools through ARC members and other interested grassroots groups

Traffic and Transport

Reference documents: Note on Cycling Group report, Pune-Velib proposal and Traffic Indicators


  1. PMC to issue notice for elimination of parking charges for cycles from the PMC offices
  2. Cycling Group to prepare a proposal for the Hire and Ride for which PMC can invite bids
  3. Dinesh to make available the map of existing and proposed cycle tracks using which the missing links can be identified and budgeted for the next year
  4. New signage is to be designed so as to be more visible (Anagha has offered that BNCA students would be able to help in this)
  5. MC informed that Bhubaneswar has a well-developed cycling infrastructure. CEE to obtain pictures of tracks, signage etc
  6. Cycle-track Helpline number to be allocated by PMC, and budgeted in the current budget
  7. The helpline no. is to be well publicized on the cycle track itself and other locations


Reference document: Report by Anchal Sondhi

Information shared by PMC

  1. There is approval from the CM to notify the Biodiversity Reserve
  2. However there is court stay in favour of the Chinchwad Deosthan Trust; about 50 ha out of 89 ha is privately owned at this location (Survey No. 7 Baner)
  3. PMC has petitioned the High Court


  1. Interested citizens may attach/ add their petitions to the existing PMC petition as well as make a petition to the Divisional Commissioner
  2. Anchal and Laxmikant to follow up with Garden Dept to obtain documents; and further discussion with Aneeta and Sujit as well as citizens groups in Baner and Pashan
  3. It was suggested that a film on Pune’s biodiversity be made with the help of students from the film institute; Sanskriti and Anchal to coordinate

Environment Status Report

Reference documents

  1. Extract from 6 Oct 07 PCEF meeting on ESR
  2. CEROI indicator set
  3. Prelim thinking on indicators for housing, water, traffic and schools


  1. PCEF may develop the framework
  2. Some chapters to be done by PCEF (focus on Environmental aspects rather than all)
  3. Data collection by AQM cell
  4. Analysis by PCEF group
  5. Collect data at the electoral ward level
  6. A note outlining the process (above points) and timeline is to be prepared by PCEF Sectt and sent to MC
  7. The PCEF process should link up with the AQM Cell which has the responsibility of making the Annual ESR.
  8. Sanskriti and Piyush from AQM Cell are to brief Ajay
  9. Aneeta to send 1998 ward level data list

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