Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cycling 15 Oct 2007

Cycling Group

Based on discussions between Ashok Sreenivas (PTTF), Sanskriti Menon (CEE), Ranjit Gadgil (Janwani) and Jugal Rathi (Pune Cycling Pratishthan) on 15 Oct 2007

To be discussed with Vivek Kharwadkar and Dinesh Girolla

Action plan for immediate improvement of the cycling environment in the city

List of all roads (BRT and IRDP) which have cycle tracks
Lengths of each section
Mark on a map (prefer as a layer on the GIS base map being prepared for the DP)
Status of cycle tracks – not started, work in progress (expected completion date), completed (these would have to be evaluated for how well they are working)

Inspection of cycle track starting from
Ganeshkhind Road à FC 3rd gate
MMC à SNDT gate
(complete by 26th)
· Submit report on obstructions (man-made or natural), any disrepair and submit to appropriate ward office (submit by 31st)
· Ward office to finish repairs and removal of obstructions, if any within 2 weeks. (Nov 15th )

Encroachment removal mechanism to be set-up- PMC to declare a number that can be called to report encroachment on any cycle track.

Details needed
a. who will attend to this call (which dept.)
b. caller must be returned a complaint number - so as to be able to follow up
c. must decide time bound action (12 hours) and who will do this - ward office? - action? remove encroachment only or fine possible too? can we insist on a call back to the complainant? how to escalate if no action taken?
d. number must be displayed prominently (and maybe some media can print as part of a press note issued by the PMC) - number may need to be incorporated into larger signage issue

Signage for Cycle Tracks
Road Signs indicating existence of cycle track (green sign boards)
Better identification on the cycle track itself – clearly painted on track and at entrance and exit

Encroachment issue on stretch from Nal Stop to Athavale Chowk
Add girders on both sides
Reduce number of openings
Eventually create barriers that are cycle friendly but 2-wheeler impassable

Cycle Parking Charges
Cancel all cycle parking charges at all Govt. facilities
Simultaneously increase 2-wheeler fee by Re 1 and 4-wheeler by Re 2 at such locations

Consider cycle racks for buses (front loading) on experimental basis on (say) 10 buses – racks to be designed by engineering student (or others) volunteers using foreign rack designs as basis – rack designs to be investigated by PCEF – submit ideas and feasibility report in 1 month.

Pune Cycle Network – a “ride and return” cycle program
Idea is to create 400 locations in the city where specially branded cycles can be picked up and returned
Each location will have ~25 cycles
10,000 cycles to be sponsored by various corporates, individual donors, PMC etc
Each location to have a “caretaker” who will manage the cycles and do minor repairs and maintenance.
Aim is to promote casual, short trip, cycling and make it a visible mode. Attrition in cycles expected, fleet will need constant additions. After initial losses, expect cycle fleet numbers to stabilize.

PCEF cycle group to promote the idea and activate citizen networks to take idea forward. – expect results in 2 months.

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