Thursday, June 19, 2008

Draft Framework for ESR Status of Biodiversity

I. Introduction and Scope
Biogeographic zone in which Pune is located

Why is BD important to assess - impacts on human health and environment locally, regionally and globally (as appropriate)

The ESR reports on

  • status of ecosystems, hot specks and selected groups of plants/animals, and selected species in the city
  • institutional aspects of BD conservation/ management: specialized govt/scientific agencies to deal with bd, civil society engagement, forums of complaint/redressal, conflict resolution

Definition / ownership related issues

  • while some major ecosystems (river, forest) are not technically under PMC limits and are governed by other government depts, they are enclosed by PMC lands and they are heavily impacted by the city and contribute in a major way to the citizens’ health and city aesthetics
  • several hotspecks are within private / institutional lands

II. Values
What values does the city current place on bd?
What values could/should it place?
Differential values between rich and poor? How to put these values into the city’s planning?

III. Policy and legislative framework

  • Land records (for river ecosystem integrity) administered by District Collector
  • Water Act (for surface water quality) regulated by MPCB
  • Irrigation agreement (for water returned to regime and net consumption) by Irrigation dept
  • Forest Act for reserved forests
  • MRTP Act for urban environment and planning (Development Plan and DC Rules) for BD reservation, green zones, open spaces, setbacks, parks and gardens in municipal lands
  • Tree Act for tree felling permissions
  • BD Act for management aspects and setting up of Biodiversity Management Committee

IV. Key drivers or factors influencing Biodiversity

  • Population growth and pattern of settlement (?) affecting land conversion and usage of BD rich areas
  • Amount of untreated or uncollected sewage and garbage (for river / water body quality)
  • Road widening/ construction
  • Any others? Biomass collection?

V. Status and Change in Key Indicators

  1. Aggregate green cover extent: total area and per capita green cover (from Sharad/ DP Cell), disaggregated between forest/wild/semi-wild and lawns/parks
  2. Tree cutting and transplantation/survival, plantation and survival rates, exotic/indigenous ratio in plantations (from Tree Authority records and Garden Dept)
  3. Select rare species status (TBD – Dr Sane, Dr Ankur Patwardhan, Ranwa)
  4. Ecosystems/ hotspecks (including small wetlands) status report in table below (needs a quick outreach to various research and study groups, colleges for data on different parts of the city)
  5. Ecosystem type (forest, grassland, river, reservoir, garden, hotspeck)
  6. Name (for e.g. Vetal Hill, Baner Hill, Mula R, Mutha R, Ramnadi R, Katraj Lake, Pashan Lake, Turtle Pond, Bat roost site .....)
  7. Location (with a map key)
  8. Ownership/ regulatory authority (for e.g. PMC, private ...)
  9. Legal status (Reservation, green zone, private/ institutional)
  10. Area (ha)
  11. Status of major indicators of health of ecosystem (state methods and reliability elsewhere)
  12. For e.g. for Lakes: Hyacinth cover increased; Fish species decreased by x; Black winged stilts increased; Migratory species number decreased
  13. For Rivers: Physical-chemical characteristics at various points; indicator species of fish, birds, plants + Ecosystem physical integrity by measuring naturalness of banks in terms of area of encroachments in the form of lawns, roads, tenements etc
  14. For Gardens: Number of indigenous vs exotic trees and %
  15. For Hotspecks: Flapshell turtles number same, Bats number same etc....
  16. Based on above, state Change in Ecological Status (improved, degraded, no change from previous year – TBD over time)
  17. Status of Institutional aspects of BD Management in City
    Current institutional methods of BD Mgt: Garden Dept, Pune Tree Authority, Encroachments Dept, Water and Sewage Dept
    Existence of BD Management Committee: No
    Steps taken to set up one: None
    Mapping of BD: Not done
    BD Info system: Not done

(add civil society institutional aspects and actions…PTW, Lakaki lake committee, Green Earth, etc.)

VI. Analysis and Key Issues and Concerns

Status of BD

  • Forest status improved through soil and water conservation works carried out over … acres
  • River status degraded over previous years, as measured through instances of pollution/ extent of pollution and decrease in number of freshwater fish species etc
  • Lake status degraded over previous years, as measured through decrease in numbers of birds, and diversity/composition of migratory bird species
  • Grassland status degraded as area of grassland decreased as it has been planted over by trees, or fire instances
  • Gardens total area increased though number of exotic tree species planted increased
  • Tree numbers went up or down as measured through tree-felling permissions granted less plantation (and survival) number
  • Hot specks – 30 (or whatever) in number; x number were extinguished; y number were preserved and granted ‘PMC Hotspeck’ status (perhaps in the future)
  • Rare species numbers/distribution – enhanced / went up or down

Comment on overall status of BD

Status of Institutional Aspects

  • Policy and legislation gaps and issues of coordination between multiple authorities
  • Data and information gaps
  • Financial gaps

VII PMC Response planned
VIII Recommendations


  • Methodological and reliability aspects
  • Where to report data year round

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