Sunday, January 13, 2008

PCEF Biodiversity Group 10 Jan report

PCEF Biodiversity Group

1) A Pune Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is proposed (TBD)
a) Dr. Bharucha stressed on need to establish linkages between theme groups of PCEF; especially among biodiversity, public and school education, water and DC Rules as these issues are closely interlinked.
b) It was agreed by all that the PBSAP process needs to be conducted in PCMC, Cantonments and other privately owned areas instead of just PMC limits. Pune University, NCL, NIA, Tata campus, MIDC, MIT, BVIEER, Sindh Society, Automobile Research Institute, Joseph school, Loyola school, Agriculture College, Ferguson college, Law College, Koregaon Park were some of the areas suggested for this process.
c) Mr. Khaire suggested that monitoring biodiversity should be first step of this process. He suggested that the group should decide methodology for this survey and PBR Process might be a good option for this.
d) Dr. Bharucha suggested that a list of organizations be made that can involve themselves in PBSAP process. A grid of factors to be surveyed, survey methods and partners may be made as starting point. Dr. Bharucha and Mr. Khaire suggested a period of 6 months for making the grid and survey of biodiversity. Raghu Velankar will make framework for this grid and it will be finalized after incorporation of suggestions made by the group members.
e) Sanskriti Menon suggested additional factors like ownership of biodiversity rich areas; their legal status (contentious issues) should be covered in this grid so that PBSAP process can be comprehensive. She added that PMC could initiate dialogue within PMC and with other controlling authorities, departments to generate support for the PBSAP process. Mr. Khaire agreed for this
f) Dr. Bharucha expressed need for a 'Biodiversity Vision' for Pune city. He said while changes in Pune's landscape, habitats, ecosystems and bio-diversity are discussed, the city also need to decide future course of action. The vision is important part of this process. It was agreed that partner organizations would draft their vision, which will be discussed later to evolve a common vision. (This is in fact part of the PBSAP process)
g) The document on the suggested process for PBSAP is available at

2) Dr. Bharucha suggested widening base of Biodiversity group to make the process participatory and comprehensive. He suggested that Dr. Sanjeev Nalavade, Dr. Anil Mahabal and Retired Forest Officers Organization should be invited to be part of PCEF. Others added Dr. Gole so that UoP can be covered along with Environment studies, zoology and botany courses. He offered support of BVIEER students to do surveys of biodiversity. He informed that assessment of various thesis reports is being done by Ms. Ruby to gather available baseline data. Similar exercise can be done with other academic institutes. Ms. Anchal expressed willingness to contact Pune University departments for the same purpose.
(some done and other contacts underway)

3) Discussions on Baner Biodiversity Reserve (see attached table) – need to convert to management plan and to address issue of ownership

4) Dr. Bharucha suggested that the biodiversity group should make a booklet on parks. It may include existing data, objectives of parks, contribution by different stakeholders etc. This will help to evoke more participation and publicize efforts by the PCEF. A timeline of 3 months has been decided. Mr. Khaire informed that the PMC would support printing of these booklets if the biodiversity group develops its content and design.

5) Dr. Bharucha raised issue of strategy for nature interpretation centre and awareness activities.
a) A note on this will be circulated by BVIEER, which can be discussed further.
b) Mr. Khaire suggested that biodiversity group should make one-year module containing different education activities for various social sectors.
c) Need to revive Tree Walks (conducted by CEE, INTACH, RANWA) was expressed by Dr. Bharucha. It was agreed that a common framework and suggested content be developed under these modules so that uniform message would be spread by the PCEF. Mr. Khaire said that he is already thinking of printing "Rare trees of Pune" Marthi book of CEE with few more introductions of species and has spoken to Kiran Purandare about it.

6) Dr. Bharucha enquired if PMC has adequate number of saplings of indigenous species required for plantation purpose across city. He suggested that many private nurseries might be assigned this task based on assessment of requirement conducted by the PMC. Mr Khaire mentioned that Garden dep't has two nurseries and he has already instructed them to start building up stock of indigenous species based on demand by citizens.

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